DeSo conducts high quality research in a range of areas, for the needs of public and private organizations across countries. DeSo has strong experience with socio-economic research and strong knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of research design.
Recent research conducted by DeSo has focused on issues such as corruption (regional survey of 2,000 business managers in the countries of ex-Yugoslavia), access to risk finance for small and medium-size enterprises (survey of business angels and venture capital fund managers), multiple dimensions of social inclusion, comparative analysis of heating costs, and a lot more.
Selected projects:
Assessment of Skills Needs in the Regional Labor Markets in the Polog and Southeast Region in Macedonia and the Bihor and Valcea Counties in Romania, 2016.
The research focused on thorough assessment of essential skills needs on the labor market in the 4 target regions. It explored the specific labour skills needs of the dominant economic sectors, and it in particular explored the areas where employers find it most difficult to identify skilled labour. This analysis produced relevant findings of the skills mismatches that exists on the regional labour markets. The research included: developing of a research design, developing a questionnaire (est. 50 questions), constructing a representative sample of est. 300 job seekers age 16-55 in each of the 4 regions, administering the questionnaire (face-to-face), est. 20 interviews with business, managers, est. 10 interviews with adult education providers, and est. 10 interviews with adult learners in each of the 4 target regions, data processing and analysis, and writing of research report. Responsibilities included: design of research model, sample development, questionnaire development, management of field survey, quality control, data processing and analysis.
Online Assessment of the Online Activity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Macedonia, 2016
The aim of the research was to assess the level of online (web site, social network, and social media) activity of CSOs in Macedonia, or more specifically, the extent to which CSOs use online tools for improving the effectiveness of their work and reaching their goals. The research was part of the project E-Platform for Cooperation and Development of Civil Society in Macedonia, funded by the Civica Mobilitas program. The research based exclusively on the so-called digital observation, and involved the screening of the online presence and work of over 670 CSOs in the country.
Assessment of the Participation of Smaller Ethnic Communities at Local Level, 2016
The main objective of the research was to assess the mechanisms for promoting the participation of smaller communities at local level, in Macedonia. The research was part of the EU-funded project Strengthening the participation of smaller communities at the local level, implemented by the National Roma Centrum (NRC).
Work includes conducing of local surveys of smaller communities in 5 municipalities in Macedonia; conducing of semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders, and producing an analytical report with recommendations for strengthening the participation of smaller communities at the local level.
Assessment of Policies and Practices of Multicultural Cooperation at the Local Level in 9 Municipalities in Macedonia, 2016
The objective of the research was to assess the policies and practices of multicultural cooperation at the local level in 9 municipalities in Macedonia. The research was part of the EU-funded project "Diversity is trendy – promoting local multiculturalism!", implemented by the Association of Democratic Initiatives (ADI).
Work included: assessing of the level of implementation of the local strategies for promoting multicultural cooperation in 6 municipalities (research report), facilitating a series of debates on policies and practices of multiculturalism, conducting 3 strategic planning workshops, producing 3 local strategies for multicultural cooperation.
Nation-wide Assessment of the Needs of Roma in Macedonia, 2015
The project involved a large scale nation-wide assessment of the needs of Roma communities in the country, with particular focus on education, health, and housing. Particular focus on equal access to education of Roma. The research was part of the EU funded project Structural support for European public policy research organisations (think tanks) and civil society organisations at European level, financed through the Europe for Citizens program. The research included a field survey of 1.500 respondents and interviews with relevant stakeholders from 9-10 cities with the largest Roma communities in the country (Skopje, Kumanovo, Prilep, Stip, Kocani, Tetovo, Gostivar, Bitola, Kicevo, etc.). Responsibilities include extensive analysis of legislation, assessment of the work of Roma civil society organizations (CSOs), public policy documents, national strategies, action plans, etc. related to Roma; design of representative sample, design of questionnaire, training and coordination of a team of est. 10 surveyors, coordination and supervision of data collection work, coordination and supervision of data entry, data base work, statistical data processing and analysis, writing of analytical report and additional strategic documents
Survey of Perceptions, Attitudes, and Practices of Corporate Philanthropy in Macedonia, with Particular Focus on Cooperation between Civil Society and the Business Sector, 2014
The project involved a large scale research on corporate philanthropy and attitudes to and practices of cooperation between civil society organizations (CSOs) and the business sector in Macedonia. The research was part of the EU funded project Creating Enabling Environment for Financial Sustainability of the CSOs implemented by Konekt. Responsibilities included design of the research model including a qualitative component (interviews with CSOs, interviews with business sector, focus groups with CSOs and biz), and a quantitative component consisting of 2 large scale surveys. Organization and conducting of the research, including coordination of a team of 10 surveyors, 2 survey controllers, etc.; organization and control of the data entry process (set up of SPSS database, preparation of data entry codes, orientation and supervision of persons responsible for data entry in SPSS and entry controllers, organization of database data collation, and writing of final analytical report.
Research On Perceptions Of Corruption In the Business Sector In the Western Balkans, 2011
Implementation of regional quantitative and qualitative research on the perceptions of and attitudes to corruption in the business sector in the Western Balkans. The effort involved full design and implementation of the survey including but not limited to: design of questionnaire, phone survey of est. 1,800 business managers from 7 countries in the Western Balkans (10 interviewers trained, organized, supervised), survey (web, face to face, written questionnaires) of 1,340 young people from the Western Balkans, 133 qualitative interviews with business owners and managers from 7 countries in the Western Balkans (est. 20 per country), organization and analysis of data, and production of final survey results.
Research On Investment Readiness Of MSMEs In Southeast Europe, 2009-2010
Implementation of regional qualitative research on the readiness of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in 7 countries in Southeast Europe for risk finance. The research involved a series of qualitative interviews with: business angels, venture capital fund representatives, agencies for MSMEs, and other business development organizations; media review, and study of literature. The final research report titled Bridging the Gap: Access to Risk Finance for Early Stage SMES in Southeast Europe received critical acclaim.